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Writer's pictureMichael Mozley

“Not with an olive branch, but with a sword!”

It hit me like a thunderbolt. I was sitting in a dilapidated hotel conference room in Nanyuki with a group of Kenyan pastors that I did not know. David Mutai was giving introductions, and I heard the Lord speak so clearly about what I should say to these pastors. I stood up and said, “I come to you, not with an olive branch but with a sword!” I honestly was shocked at myself that these words came out. Project 82 had begun a ministry of rescuing young babies that were being abandoned in Nanyuki back in 2014. I exhorted these pastors asking them why the Mzungus (Foreigners) were starting all these ministries in your own backyard. Why aren’t we as Kenyans looking for ministries like this? I went on to say how tired I was of the mentality of many African Christian leaders always looking to the West to help them out without trying to resolve the issues within the greater community of the Kenyan Church. I don’t know who was more in shock, the Kenyan pastors or myself. But I think they heard my heart and they responded with grace.

We moved from the hotel to the Neema House where 8 babies are being cared for in an exceptional way. Annie Coppedge, an extraordinary young lady, has devoted her young life to the care of these babies along with some precious Kenyan ladies. Clearly it is evident that they are consumed with the care of these precious young lives. The pastors from Nanyuki took off their shoes and entered the Neema House and instantly began to hold the babies, pray over them, sing over them, love them. It was an amazing sight. Then one of the pastors challenged his colleagues to give an offering to Neema House. Spontaneously, they gave from their hearts and made a generous donation to the ministry of Project 82. This was the first time a group of Kenyans had given to Project 82. It was humbling to watch the executive director, Anita Colley weep in gratitude for their sacrifice and generosity.

God is moving here. We are changing the world in Jesus’ name, one relationship at a time.


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